AAPS 3rd Grade Curriculum
English Language Arts (ELA)
There are three major components of English Language Arts Curriculum.
Readers Workshop + Strategy Groups
Focus for Reading Instruction in the Upper Grades Includes:
Skilled reading across multiple genres
Maintaining capacity for interaction with text over extended periods of time
Literary analysis
Reading for learning within the content areas
Reading for critical thinking and values-clarification
Word solving for context and morphological understanding
Reading from an aesthetic stance, i.e., appreciation and enjoyment
Reading from an efferent stance, i.e., to obtain information
Writer's Workshop​
​Personal Narrative – Telling about something that has happened to you.
Feature Article – A paper about a topic you’re an “expert” on and writing about that topic for others to learn about it.
Poetry – We will write and read various forms of poetry.
Research – Researching then writing an informative piece on a specified topic .
Science & Social Studies Content Writing Area – Short writing assignments using their new found knowledge of topics and applying it in informational writing pieces.
M-STEP/TEST prep – Writing assignments that are specific to the skills and questions that they will be asked on the 3RD grade M-STEP test.
Handwriting- There will be opportunity to practice handwriting including print and cursive throughout the school year.
Writer’s Notebook / Journal – We will write in our composition books every day. Our writer’s notebooks become a very important and special part of our lives.
Word Study
For the 2023/2024 school year, we will implement a new word study curriculum titled "Morpheme Magic".
Students will learn to understand the roles that words play, words and word parts, and their meanings.
Students will become conscious and aware of how language works through this new AAPS curriculum.
Mathematics (Everyday Mathematics)
The Ann Arbor Public Schools math curriculum is called Connect Ed; Everyday Mathematics. It is a rigorous program based on the spiral method of learning. The basic concept of the program is to expose children at an early age to a wide range of math concepts and thus build conceptual knowledge in all math strands. The third grade content includes:
Patterns, Money, Calculator Routines, Adding/Subtracting Whole Numbers, Linear Measurements and Area, Multiplication and Division, Place Value in Whole Numbers and Decimals, Geometry, Fractions, Measurement and Data, Probability, M-STEP Practice.
Science, Social Studies, Health, and Project Lead the Way
Science units studied include:
Stick Together
Wild Wacky Weather
No Place Like Home
Let’s Move It (Forces),
Social Studies topics include:
Michigan’s Geography
Michigan’s History
Michigan’s Government
Michigan Economics
Health Topics include:
More info to come
PLTW modules include:
More into to come