Let your voice be heard!
Please get in touch with a representative. You can use one of our samples as a template or write a letter of your own. Remember, we are working to be sure that the repair job slated for 2023 is done properly.
Submit your support for resurfacing M14 through MDOT's public comment form: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=h3D71Xc3rUKWaoku9HIl0Wq6iC6vcSdMskbJPHJXZ1xUNUVLWFFHUFlFQ1BTNVEwWEwyVFNGSTA0UC4u
Leave the first question "select a corridor (choose one)" blank because M14 isn't listed, and go straight to the comment area. Specifically mention "University Region: M-14 from I-94 to US-23BR" at the beginning.
Councilwoman Briggs (Ward 5): EBriggs@a2gov.org
Councilman Ali Ramlawi (Ward 5): ARamlawi@a2gov.org
Councilwoman Lisa Disch (Ward 1): LDisch@a2gov.org
Councilman Jeff Hayner (Ward 1): JHayner@a2gov.org
MI-Sen. Irwin: https://senatedems.com/irwin/contact/
Sen. Stabenow: https://www.stabenow.senate.gov/contact
Sen. Peters: https://www.peters.senate.gov/contact/email-gary
Rep. Dingell: https://debbiedingell.house.gov/contact/