April 1, 2021
Update on M14 Noise Campaign. Hello neighbors, First of all, thank you for supporting our petition to reduce noise pollution around Wines Elementary and our community. We have received 457 signatures by the time of this post, demonstrating that this truly is a community issue.
The petition has definitely gotten us more attention from MI-Senator Irwin and Rep. Dingle's office. Rep. Dingle's office has contacted the EPA regarding possible violations of noise pollution laws, but we are still waiting on EPA's response. We also tried to renew the conversation with MDOT directly, but they are absolutely unwilling to help, for now.
However, there is a spark of hope from the recently announced MDOT Five-Year Transportation Plan: https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/3aebfdf9166a47c9ac53caed4b106e04
The good news: M-14 from I-94 to US-23 is scheduled for "Road Rehabilitation" in 2023! The bad news: MDOT's current stance is this will essentially be a repeat of the 2016 repair project. However, we have two years to change their mind, and this may be our only shot for another decade or more.
This is our opportunity to force MDOT to do the right thing: completely resurface M14, or use diamond grinding as recommended by the Federal Highway Administration to mitigate noise. What we need from you: MDOT has a form for public comment: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=h3D71Xc3rUKWaoku9HIl0Wq6iC6vcSdMskbJPHJXZ1xUNUVLWFFHUFlFQ1BTNVEwWEwyVFNGSTA0UC4u
Tell them how desperately M-14 needs resurfacing or diamond grinding, and how the road conditions/noise impact you and your family. Leave the first question "select a corridor (choose one)" blank because M14 isn't listed, and go straight to the comment area. Specifically mention "University Region: M-14 from I-94 to US-23BR" at the beginning. If you have time, please send the same comments to Senator Irwin's office: https://senatedems.com/irwin/contact/ and Debbie Dingle's office: https://debbiedingell.house.gov/contact/ Thank you for investing time for the betterment of our community! Bobby and Kristin